Accessing your Sessions
How do I log on to my sessions?
Accessing and logging in to your sessions will be easy using the Attendee Hub (The Hub). You will be using The Hub to log in to all your sessions.
When should I log on?
Approximately 10 minutes before your session is scheduled to begin, please login to The Hub.
Five minutes before the session start time, a button to join session will appear on The Hub. If you are asked to enter your name, please enter your name and email for attendance reporting.
You will be in a virtual waiting room until the meeting begins at the scheduled time. While you’re waiting, please familiarize yourself with any features you may need to use for the meeting.
Once you’ve logged in, you will see this Zoom control bar at the bottom of the screen:
If your Zoom control bar disappears, drag your mouse to the bottom of your Zoom screen to make it come back.
If Zoom seems to disappear entirely from your screen at any time, click this icon.
Is the HOD meeting a Zoom meeting or a Zoom webinar?
Both HOD sessions will be conducted via Zoom meeting.
Do I need to have my video on and will everyone be able to hear/see me?
For Zoom meetings you will be able to turn your camera on to be visible, and you will be able to see other attendees with their cameras on. All attendees enter
the meeting automatically on mute and with their cameras off. You will be able to speak by raising your hand and being invited to unmute and turn your camera on. The process for doing so will be reviewed in the meeting.
Meeting Functionality
How will the HOD conduct policymaking in a virtual setting?
Please visit the HOD page for complete information on the HOD virtual policymaking process.
How do I address/speak at the House of Delegates?
For the HOD, you will be muted upon entering the meeting.
You may use the raise hand feature to alert the speaker(s) that you would like to speak; once you are called, you will be able to unmute yourself.
For interrupting motions, send a chat message to the INTERRUPTING MOTION co-host. Detailed instructions to follow.
How will HOD votes be handled?
Votes will be taken via the polling feature in Zoom. The poll will appear on your Zoom screen, and you will cast your vote and submit it. You will need to be on a computer or the Zoom app on a smartphone
to vote.
How do I see the content that is being shared (slides, videos, etc)?
If you are unable to see content that is being shared, you’ll want to navigate to the second tab at top here titled “Presenter’s
Screen.” In this example, the HOD Slides are being shared.
You can click View to explore other view options which include Standard, Side-by-Side: Speaker, Side-by-Side: Gallery, and Side-by-Side: Multi Speaker.
To navigate back to the meeting you can click on the Meeting tab.
Will I be able to speak during the educational sessions?
No, all attendees will be muted but can use the Q&A option in Zoom to communicate with the hosts to ask a question.
In-Meeting Technical Support
Will there be live technical support during the meeting if I need help?
Technical questions can be sent to (the fastest method) or via phone
to (781) 434-7866 (only available just before and during the meeting).
HOD Attendance/Request for Additional Assistance
Does attendance at virtual HOD sessions count towards the delegate attendance requirement?
Yes. Attending either HOD session counts towards your delegate attendance requirement. Delegates are encouraged to participate in all HOD sessions.
What accommodations are made for people with disabilities?
Closed captioning will be provided during all virtual sessions. If you require additional special assistance, please contact us at