Technical (Password/Specifications/Course Operation)
How do I register and access an online CME course?
How do I reset my password?
Click on "Forgot Password" link. Your account is linked to the email that is currently on file. You will need that email to set a new password.
Can I stop/pause an online course and come back to it?
Yes, you can stop at any point and exit out of the course. You do not need to save your work. When you return to the course, you will be directed to the page where you left off.
Can I access the course content after I have already completed it?
Yes, you may access the course after completion for reference until the course expires. AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ may only be claimed upon the initial completion of the course.
How do I access the closed captioning for an online course?
In the bottom right-hand corner, click on the CC button and options will appear to activate closed captioning.
What technology requirements do I need to access the MMS online CME courses?
System Requirements
Windows 10
Mac OSX 10.6 higher
Most modern browsers including
IE 11+
Firefox 18.0+
Chrome latest version
Safari 12+
iOS devices beginning with OS version 10 or higher (includes iPhone, iPad and iTouch devices)
Operations (Certificates/Record Retention)
Where can I find the list of courses and the CME credits I have completed?
You may access the list of courses and CME credits that you have obtained through MMS-accredited activities by logging into your account. Click here to access your MY CME account information. You may also self-report other CME credits earned here.
How long is my transcript available?
The credits earned through MMS-accredited courses will be tracked for a minimum of six years and are available in your account under MY CME.
Who is eligible to be awarded AMA PRA Credits™ (CME Credits)?
AMA PRA Credits may only be claimed by, and awarded to, physicians, defined by the AMA as individuals who have completed an allopathic (MD), osteopathic (DO) or an equivalent medical degree from another country. Certificates of attendance may be
presented to other health care professionals for their participation in a CME activity.
How do I obtain a CME certificate or certificate of attendance?
Registered attendees for MMS live CME activities will receive an email within 7–10 business days following the event with a link to an online evaluation. After completing the evaluation, instructions will explain how to claim CME credit and print
your certificate.
Note: If you are having trouble printing your certificate, check the activity code that was provided in the email to ensure it has been entered correctly. Also, be sure that your first and last name are entered exactly as you registered for your MMS account.
For MMS Online CME courses, you will receive CME credit once the course is complete, you have successfully passed the post-course requirements, and completed the evaluation. Your certificate will then display and be available for print.
Where can I find the CME courses that are free for MMS members?
Each online course lists the prices for MMS members and NON-Members.
What is the MMS member discount for CME courses?
MMS members receive a discount of more than 50% on each online CME course. Some online courses are offered at no charge to members.
Regulatory (Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine Requirements/Risk Management)
What are the CME requirements for physician re-licensure in Massachusetts?
Click here to link to the CME Requirements section of the MMS Website, which also has a link to
the Massachusetts Board of Registration’s pilot program requirements – click here.
Where can I find education courses to satisfy the Implicit Bias in Healthcare licensure requirement?
Click here to find a list, courtesy of the Board of Registration in Medicine, of available courses that satisfy the Implicit Bias in Healthcare
CME requirement.
Where can I find training in electronic health records (EHR) credit?
Click here for courses provided by the MMS to help to satisfy the one-time EHR requirement.
Where can I access child abuse or neglect training?
Click here to read more about how to meet the one-time requirement in Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect
What is the difference between Category 1 and Category 2 Credit?
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Determination
Continuing Medical Education (CME) activities are certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ by an accredited provider. The learning formats may include lectures, conferences, webinars,
online courses, journal-based CME, manuscript review, and Performance Improvement CME. Click here for a more information on the
AMA’s format-specific requirements and descriptions.
AMA PRA Category 2 Credit™ Determination (click here to see example activity types)
AMA PRA Category 2 Credit™ is self-claimed and documented by physicians for participating in activities that are not certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.
Credit calculation: physicians should claim credit based on their participation time with 60 minutes of participation equal to one (1) AMA PRA Category 2 Credit™; credit is claimed in 15 minute or 0.25 credit increments; physicians
must round to the nearest quarter hour.
If I complete 3 hours of Pain Management CME, which also qualify for Risk Management (RM) credit, do I need to complete an additional 7 or 10 hours of RM credit?
An additional 7 hours of risk management study should be completed to meet the MA Board of Registration in Medicine requirements.
How do I know if an activity qualifies for Risk Management?
Risk Management Study or Risk Management CME means instruction in medical malpractice prevention, such as risk identification, patient safety, and medical error prevention. Risk management studies may include education in any of the following areas: medical
ethics, quality assurance, medical-legal issues, patient relations, electronic health record education, end-of-life care, utilization review that directly relates to quality assurance, and aspects of practice management. Risk management CME may include
study of the Board's regulations at 243 CMR through 5.00.
Additionally, according to the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine’s (MA BORIM) Policy 19-06 (Click here), risk management study also
includes education and awareness around physician burnout and wellness. Every hour spent on the topic of physician burnout or mindfulness will count for one hour of risk management study.
To record credits obtained at a non-accredited activity, you should note the amount of time spent, the website, and the date.
Online activities that have been accredited for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM will have language stating if that activity meets the criteria of the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine for Risk Management study.
What are the Board requirements about license renewal when retired?
Refer to the boards Licensing FAQs.
Retired Status: A retired licensee may not practice medicine or prescribe or provide direct or indirect patient care. When you no longer wish to practice medicine in Massachusetts, you may apply for a retired status. When considering retirement, the licensee
may contact the Massachusetts Medical Society’s legal department to request their pamphlet titled "Issues for the Retiring Physician." A retirement form is available on the Board’s website.
Education Planning
How do I begin the process of planning and developing a CME program through the MMS?
Please send an email with your inquiry to MMS Accreditation and Compliance at CEcompliance@mms.org.
What is the difference between a directly provided and a jointly provided activity?
A directly provided activity is planned, implemented, and evaluated by the accredited CME provider. A jointly provided activity is planned, implemented, and evaluated by an accredited provider and one or more non-accredited entities.
For more information, please email MMSCMECertification@mms.org, or call (781) 434-7306.