Early Career Physicians Section
Focusing on physicians aged 40 and under or within their first eight years of practice, this section identifies issues and sponsors educational and social programs specific to early career physicians, as well as lowers barriers to their participation
in Society activities and governance. The MMS-ECPS also represents the interests of its members to the AMA-YPS and the MMS House of Delegates.
MMS Staff Liaison: Colleen Hennessey (chennessey@mms.org)
International Medical Graduates Section
The IMG Section provides a forum for addressing the unique needs and concerns of IMGs, including discrimination, residency training, and licensure. The Section also offers members a chance to participate in organized medicine at both the local (MMS) and
national (AMA) levels. The MMS-IMGS looks forward to continuing to represent the interests of this diverse and active segment of the MMS.
Chair: Saraswathi Muppana, Norfolk
Vice Chair: Prarthna Bhardwaj, Hampden
MMS Staff Liaison: Erin Tally (etally@mms.org)
Medical Students Section
Active at all four medical schools in Massachusetts, the Medical Student Section (MSS) provides a forum for student participation in organized medicine at both the local (MMS) and national (AMA) levels. In addition to addressing health policy, public
health, and patient care, the Section facilitates collaboration among the four medical schools and offers students mentoring opportunities with seasoned MMS leaders.
Chair: Nimish Saxena (BUSM), Suffolk
Vice Chair: Michael Zarra (BUSM), Suffolk
MMS Staff Liaison: Colleen Hennessey (chennessey@mms.org)
Minority Affairs Section
The Massachusetts Medical Society’s Minority Affairs Section (MAS) offers a forum for addressing the unique needs and concerns of underrepresented minority physicians and the delivery of health care to minority patients and communities. The Section’s
priorities include the development of policies and initiatives that provide career advancement and leadership opportunities for minority physicians and increases participation and mentorship of underrepresented minority physicians and students in
the MMS.
Women and Diversity Membership Information
Diversity Resources
Physician Diversity
Chair: Nidhi K. Lal, Middlesex North
Vice Chair: Vincent C. Smith, Norfolk
MMS Staff Liaison: Bissan Biary (bbiary@mms.org)
Organized Medical Staff Section
The Organized Medical Staff Section (OMSS) provides a representational forum for physicians practicing in organized medical staffs. The Section identifies and articulates the concerns of physicians with the medical staff structure, facilitates opportunities
for focused discussion of these topics, and works to address these issues through MMS and AMA governance and education.
Chair: Matthew D. Gold, Middlesex
Vice Chair: Barbara S. Spivak, Middlesex
MMS Staff Liaison: Bill Howland (bhowland@mms.org)
Resident and Fellow Section Governing Council
Established in 1993, the MMS Resident and Fellow Section exists to support physicians engaged in postgraduate training and to enhance overall resident/fellow professionalism and life-long learning. The RFS also provides a forum for physician-in-training
members to participate more directly in policy deliberations within the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS) governance structure and to interface with the American Medical Association (AMA).
Chair: Hussein Antar, MD, MPH, Plymouth
Vice Chair: Elizabeth C. Conner, MD, MPH, Suffolk
MMS Staff Liaison: Colleen Hennessey (chennessey@mms.org)
Women Physicians Section
The primary objectives of the MMS Women Physicians Section (MMS-WPS) are to influence and contribute to MMS policy and program development on issues of importance to self-identified women physicians. The MMS-WPS shall also represent the interests of its
members in the MMS House of Delegates, pursuant to current MMS Bylaws.
Chair: Pei-Li Huang, Charles River
Vice Chair: N. Lynn Eckhert, Worcester
MMS Staff Liaison: Erin Tally (etally@mms.org)