Massachusetts Medical Society: Member Interest Network: A Program for Birdwatchers and Nature Lovers

Member Interest Network: A Program for Birdwatchers and Nature Lovers

Arts, History, Humanism & Culture Member Interest Network (AHH&C MIN): Birding Section

birding collageThe Birding Section is designed for dedicated birders who appreciate good (human) company on their excursions, as well as backyard birdspotters who want to connect, get out, and learn more about birding. Meet and hike in the Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary to catch the fall hawk migration, or participate in a bird banding and release tracking project on Plum Island. If you aren’t sure how or where to turn bird watching into a bone fide hobby or interest, our Birding 101 excursion is for you. Cynthia Brown, MD, leads the section.

For more information, contact Cathy Salas at (781) 434-7478 or

Fall Hawk Watch

This introduction to the natural history of New England birds of prey takes us on a moderately difficult hike up Brown Hill at Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary to observe the fall migration. Early fall is good timing for several species. Other birds are on the move as well; you might see fall warblers, sparrows, and more.  

Introduction to Birding

Do you like to see birds at your backyard feeders? Perhaps you bring binoculars on vacation in case of something to gawk at, but have not yet made the leap to “birding” — which involves outings to see more species, lists of bird spottings, or even flying to another state or country to see birds. This event includes a classroom presentation to help you get the lay of the land — or air. It covers where and how to find birds and what you need to enjoy the experience. Then you’ll join us for a field trip to some of New England’s best spots to get oriented to field skills. We end up on Plum Island, where some of the year’s most impressive bird spectacles take place.

Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary:

Joppa Flats Education Center:

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