Massachusetts Medical Society: Early Career Physicians

Early Career Physicians

The Early Career Physicians Section (ECPS) thrives on the diversity of its members and welcomes all levels of participation. This Section addresses policy issues and offers educational opportunities and social programs specifically targeted to early career physicians.

MMS Committees and Sections

Serving on a committee offers you a unique opportunity to shape MMS policy, collaborate with colleagues, and gain leadership skills. Below is a sample of committees and other sections:

  • Committee on Public Health
  • Women Physicians Section
  • International Medical Graduates Section
  • Committee on Membership
  • Minority Affairs Section
  • Committee on Ethics, Grievances, and Professional Standards

View all Committees, Sections, and Task Forces

Professional Development for Early Career Physicians

Financial Resources for Early Career Physicians

If you are an early career physician who is an MMS member and would like to be invited to MMS-ECPS Executive Council meetings to participate in discussion of Section business, policy proposals and Section planning, please send an email to Colleen Hennessey.

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