Massachusetts Medical Society: Massachusetts Medical Society on Children’s Health Compromise

Massachusetts Medical Society on Children’s Health Compromise

“The Massachusetts Medical Society commends the legislature for this important legislation that aims to improve health care for pediatric patients in the Commonwealth.

This bill reflects the shared priorities of the physician community that include promoting access to care for some of our most vulnerable populations of young people, and by emphasis, the need to improve behavioral health care for all children and young adults.

Of particular importance are measures that extend MassHealth coverage until the age of 26 for young adults transitioning from Massachusetts Department of Children and Families custody, the requirement that insurers provide and maintain accurate online provider directories, and the piloting of three "regional childhood behavioral health centers of excellence" that aim to improve accessibility to behavioral health resources for children.

Additionally, the Medical Society is pleased to be a member of the forthcoming commission that will explore strategies for increasing the number of pediatric health care providers, a pivotal step in improving access to care for young patients.

We look forward to partnering with the state to ensure that the promise of this legislation is born into improved clinical care.”

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