Massachusetts Medical Society: Massachusetts Medical Society on the Boulder, Colorado shootings

Massachusetts Medical Society on the Boulder, Colorado shootings

The Massachusetts Medical Society extends condolences to all who loved the victims of our nation’s most recent incident of mass violence, the health care and law enforcement personnel who responded, and to the city of Boulder as it attempts to heal.

Until our national approach to addressing the public health crisis of firearm violence changes in substantive ways, we will continue to grieve preventable deaths.

Two mass killings just days apart have sadly illustrated that in the quest to address our nation’s firearm violence epidemic, we are far passed the urgency stage. The time for significant, long-term investment into researching and eradicating our country’s firearm violence epidemic is now. We have seen throughout history – and we are seeing in live-time – the efficacy of a comprehensive public health approach to addressing a public health crisis.

The medical society will continue to support the ongoing and critical advocacy of the Massachusetts congressional delegation focused on reducing firearm-related injury and death suffered by our patients.

-David A. Rosman, MD, MBA, President, Massachusetts Medical Society

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