Massachusetts Medical Society: Obtaining Copies of Your Medical Records

Obtaining Copies of Your Medical Records

For Patients

The Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine offers an informational brochure on Medical Records

Records Retention

Records for adult patients must be maintained for a minimum of seven years from date of last patient encounter. If a patient is a minor on the date of the last visit, then the physician must maintain the pediatric patient’s records for a minimum period of either seven years from the date of the last patient encounter or until the patient reaches the age of eighteen, whichever is the longer retention period.

A retiring physician or his successor must maintain patient records for seven years from the date of the last patient encounter.

For more information, read the Board of Registration in Medicine’s document, Medical Records Obligations.

Locating Your Physician

If you no longer know how to reach your physician, addresses and phone numbers for physicians currently licensed and practicing in Massachusetts may be found through the Board’s Physician Profile pages.

If your physician is retired or deceased, s/he may no longer have a profile. In this case, try contacting the Board, your health plan, or the hospital or medical practice where the physician formerly practiced. They may have a forwarding address.

If you need legal assistance

The Massachusetts Legal Services provides information for lawyer referral services and free legal resources in your area.

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