Frequently Asked Questions about the COVID-19 vaccines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for everyone ages 6 months and older in the United States for the prevention of COVID-19.
COVID-19 vaccines help protect against severe illness, hospitalization and death. COVID-19 vaccines also help protect against infection.
People who are vaccinated may still get COVID-19. When people who have been vaccinated get COVID-19, they are much less likely to experience severe symptoms than people who are unvaccinated.
You are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines when you have received all doses in the primary series and all boosters
recommended for you, when eligible.
Vaccine recommendations are different depending on your age, the vaccine you first received, and time since last dose.
Treatments for COVID-19 can help prevent hospitalization and reduce your chance for severe disease.
The Massachusetts COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Initiative works with the populations and communities
hardest hit by COVID-19 to increase awareness and acceptance of the vaccine, access to vaccination locations, and vaccine administration rates.