Breaking Down Federal & State Surprise Billing Requirements for Massachusetts Physicians
In the final days of 2020, both Congress and the Massachusetts legislature passed laws related to surprise or out-of-network billing, including related requirements for notice and disclosure to patients regarding network status and price transparency.
The federal “No Surprises Act”, as detailed in resources below, establishes a comprehensive statutory framework, including a ban on surprise billing, creation of an independent dispute resolution process, and patient notice and disclosure provisions.
Provisions contained in the Massachusetts Patients First Act (Section 25 of Chapter 260 of the Acts of 2020), as detailed
in the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) bulletin below, imposes similar, at times duplicative, provider disclosure responsibilities regarding network status and price transparency.
The Medical Society has been actively engaged on these issues, working with the state Department of Public Health, as well as state and congressional stakeholders to understand this complex landscape and reconcile the competing obligations under both laws. After persistent
and compelling advocacy by the Medical Society, the Massachusetts legislature passed a law further extending the delay of MDPH's implementation and enforcement of penalties for the violation of the state notice provisions until January 1, 2027. Recognizing the complexities and related challenges posed by overlapping state and federal requirements, the legislature heeded our call to further delay the state requirements while the federal regulatory process is finalized. This delay averts significant administrative
redundancy and burden for physicians and confusion for patients.
Massachusetts Medical Society Resources
- In December 2021, the MMS along with the Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association held a webinar providing an overview of physician responsibilities under both the NSA and the Patients First Act. A recording of the webinar is available here and
slides from the presentation are available here.
- MMS Practice Guides:
Massachusetts Patients First Act Resources
- Department of Public Health Resources
Federal No Surprises Act Resources
- American Medical Association Resources
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Provider Resources
This information included and linked to on this page is intended to serve as a general resource and guide. It is not to be construed as legal advice. Attorneys with knowledge of the surprise billing and price transparency laws should be consulted regarding
the application of these laws to specific situations.