Massachusetts Medical Society: Testimony In Support of H. 599, an Act to Reduce Administrative Burdens for Healthcare Providers, before the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing

Testimony In Support of H. 599, an Act to Reduce Administrative Burdens for Healthcare Providers, before the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing

The Massachusetts Medical Society would like to be recorded in support of H. 599, “An Act to Reduce Administrative Burdens for Healthcare Providers”. 

This legislation would reduce the administrative burden of physicians by prohibiting health care entities from forcing health care providers to create new legal entities and/or establish new tax identification numbers as a condition of contracting to provide health care services. These unnecessary requirements are costly and burdensome for physicians, health care teams and large physician organizations. While not all insurers enforce this requirement, this legislation would ensure that all insurers adhere to more reasonable standards. 

The MMS urges the Committee on Health Care Financing to report this bill out favorably. 

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