House of Delegates

Welcome from Your Speakers

Your Speakers invite you to participate in the 2024 MMS Virtual Interim Meeting of the House of Delegates (HOD), Monday, November 18, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. (First Session), and Saturday, December 7, 2024, beginning at 9:00 a.m. (Second Session), via Zoom.

Eli Freiman and Grayson Armstrong

Eli Freiman, MD, FAAP, Speaker (L); Grayson Armstrong, MD, MPH, (R)

General HOD InformationGeneral HOD Information

Who is the MMS House of Delegates?, New Delegate Orientation Video, and Upcoming HOD Meeting Timeline

Virtual Meeting InformationVirtual Meeting Information

Technical Guidelines and Attendee Hub, HOD Second Session — How to Make Motions on Zoom

How to Submit a ResolutionHow to Submit a Resolution

How to Submit a Resolution, Tips for Writing, and Late-File Information

Reference Committee InformationReference Committee Information, Online Reference Committee Testimony, Zoom Hearings, etc.

Get Involved on a Reference Committee!, Online Reference Committee Testimony Site, Zoom Hearings, Reference Committee Reports, Extractions/Amendment Process, and Forms

Meeting MaterialsMeeting Materials

Delegates’ Handbook (resolutions and reports), Meeting Handouts, Reference Committee Reports, and Post-Meeting Final House Votes

Delegate Resources Delegate Resources

Delegate Resource Books, Delegate Listing, General Parliamentary Procedure Training Video and How to Make Motions on Zoom, Proceedings from Previous Meeting, and New Delegate Orientation

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House of Delegates

Learn more about the MMS’s policymaking body, the House of Delegates.

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